Dental Care for All Families

We provide you and your loved ones with the oral health care you deserve.

Dr. Peggy
Your Trustworthy Oral Health Care Professionals

Your Trustworthy Oral Health Care Professionals

Having healthy teeth and gums should be everyone’s goal. Good oral and dental hygiene can prevent you from having bad breath, cavities, or gum infections. At Dr. Peggy North County Dental Surgical Center, we are ready to provide you with the best oral care treatments with our state–of-the-art equipment.

Family-Focused Practice

Our clinic is dedicated to helping you and your loved ones achieve excellent oral and dental health. We ensure the quality of our services by providing you with multiple dentistry services along with compassionate care. Our dental solutions include the following:

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    Sedation Dentistry

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    Restoration Surgery

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    Oral Surgery

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    Pediatric Surgery

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    Cosmetic Surgery

Payment Options

Payment Options

We have a variety of payment options you can choose from. We also accept most insurance plans such as Denti-Cal and Medi-Cal. You can depend on our friendly staff to assist you with your concerns.